The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor/ Kiwanis Young Professionals of Washtenaw County

kiwanis club

The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor is a service organization dedicated to changing the world, one child, and one community at a time. With nearly 200 members our fundraising centers around the concept of recycling donations from members of the community. Those donations of furniture, books, appliances, kitchen items, etc. (For complete list visit our website at are sold at one of our two Thrift Stores in Ann Arbor. The proceeds have supported more than 100 agencies in the area, including; The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, YMCA, The Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Washtenaw Intermediate School District. Most recently a book mobile was donated. Meetings are held every Monday at noon and feature a speaker – location 200 S. First St. All our welcome.


kiwanis picture 2Exciting to note, a new club satellite, Kiwanis Young Professionals of Washtenaw County has formed with a focus on providing service to the local community. The group meets the first THURSDAY of the month at 6 p.m. at rotating locations throughout downtown Ann Arbor. The next meeting will be Thursday, July 14, 6 p.m. at The Pretzel Bell. All our welcome to drop in and join us. Learn what the group is about and discover how fun service in your community can be!

For more information about Kiwanis Young Professionals (KYP) visit the website or the Facebook page Kiwanis Young Professionals of Washtenaw County.