Looking for a Quality Product or Service?
IT’S EASY AS 1 – 2 – 3
This tool is available to everyone and free to our Chamber Members!
With this tool you can tap into the Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti Regional Chamber’s 1,300+ member community.
A2Y Chamber members who are in the category you choose, and have available e-mail addresses, will automatically receive your request and will have the opportunity to contact you to provide a quote. It’s fast & easy!
To access the A2Y Refer email our Marketing & Events Department and indicate what service or product you are looking for a quote. She will email all the Chamber Members within those categories and provide you contact information and quotes from those members interested in bidding on your request.
If you are a Chamber Member and your email is not highlighted on the A2YRefer page, and you would like it to be, or you would like to be listed in additional categories, please contact Rosalind Vaughn.
This referral program is meant for requesting quotes and should not be used for solicitation. If the system is misused, the A2Y Chamber has the right to remove you from use of this program.