Franchise Network (FranNet) is the nation’s oldest (since 1987) and most respected franchise consulting firm, and in 2010 and 2011 was ranked in the Inc. Magazine 500 List of fastest-growing private companies. FranNet offers consulting services on a no fee, no obligation basis. We work with over 100 franchise companies in various industries. Our approach is to profile our client utilizing our proprietary Franchise Assessment Tool, and then a face-to-face consultation in order to establish a Business Model based on individual preferences, personality, transferable skills, business/personal goals, and budget. We then recommend appropriate franchise concepts for them to investigate, and coach them through the research and decision process. We are solely focused on getting the client what they desire, with affordability and safety. FranNet is the ONLY group of franchise consultants who operate exclusively in their own protected territories, uniquely qualifying us to serve the people of our communities.
Mark Cory has owned the Michigan FranNet franchise since 2002. Helping clients to achieve their dreams of business ownership and an improved lifestyle is extremely rewarding to Mark. With a multitude of franchise opportunities to choose from, he seeks to match each client based on their interests, goals, and resources.