Name: John Holbel
Title: President, CMIT Solutions
How long has your company been a member of the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Regional Chamber?
Since May 2018
What is a typical day like for you?
5:30 am – Have breakfast, catch up on news of the day & recent cyber attacks and breaches, and check for important emails.
6:30 am – Layout the work day, review client tickets, and the day’s appointments.
7:30 am – Align priorities for the day, review issues list, facilitate team scrum, and action plans for the day.
Daylight hours (8 am to 6 pm) are spent with client’s, appointments, implementations, networking, and business development. Dinner time with family fluctuates depending on training events, industry conferences, and networking events. Then I wrap up the day by checking email and reading, which is a passion of mine.
What do you enjoy most about the A2Y Chamber?
The A2Y chamber community is very active. Members are willing to help each other and collaborate. There is a broad range of knowledge, industry, and activity across the Washtenaw community. The A2Y Chamber is very proactive and presenting opportunities for business to connect with one another and help the community grow.
What’s your favorite tip for someone in your industry?
Cyber Crime is a business issue and not a technical issue. Business Assets can be protected.
What is a surprising fact about your business?
There is a severe shortage of cybersecurity skill-sets and there is no evidence of improvement over the last 3 years. There will be a 1.8M gap in information security jobs by 2022 and the average cybersecurity professional is two years behind in knowledge from what current cybercriminals are currently doing.
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