Leadership A2Y Executive Level Edition

Leadership A2Y Executive Level Edition is a transformational seven-week virtual learning process. This master class culminates the development of a vision and road-map to improve personal and work unit effectiveness. Participants leave with deeper insight into one’s self as a leader, what others need from them, and how they can best prepare themselves and their work-unit for the future. 
Insights and explicit plans for improvement emerge from these five focus areas: 
1. Change Leadership: Perspectives, Models & Tools
2. Self Leadership:  DiSC Work of Leaders
3. Current State: Current Reality, & Current Culture
4. Future State Definition
5. Change Leadership: Gaining Alignment & Executing
The culture change & 360 feedback focus of the Executive Edition program helps leaders refocus, realign and better apply skills they already possess.

Executive Level Edition Schedule

September 14th- October 30th | Monday & Friday  | 10:00AM-12:00PM

Download a copy of the schedule HERE

Questions? Email: Barbara@a2ychamber.org