January is National Mentoring Month! Who was your mentor? Did you know that a child who has a mentor is 55% more likely to apply to college then one that did not!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washtenaw County is the only one-to-one professionally supported mentoring organization in Washtenaw County. We have over 100 years of proven, historical, and evaluative data on the impact of mentoring. Big Brothers Big Sisters has been in Washtenaw County since 1991 under the umbrella of HelpSource and became an independent nonprofit in 2007. Currently we serve 400 local children but still have 200 children on a waitlist. With YOUR help we can reduce that number.
Would you like to learn even more about BBBS, how to be a mentor and how you can get involved? Please join us for one of our Discover YOUR BBBS events at our own office. You will enjoy a light lunch or breakfast while hearing about our organization. The next events are: January 23rd at Noon, February 11th at 10:00 a.m. and March 19th at Noon. Email Monica Brancheau at monica.brancheau@bbbswashtenaw.org if you would like to attend.
Visit our website at www.bbbswashtenaw.org for more information.