Ann Arbor Arms Academy (A4) is Michigan’s premier training establishment and state-of-the-art indoor shooting range facility. A4 provides firearms, safety and survival instruction for anyone from the extreme novice, to the experienced enthusiast, to law enforcement. A4 is building safe, responsible and prepared citizens, one round at a time!
Leading the program as Director of Training and Development is NRA Women’s Network Spokeswoman and nationally recognized firearms instructor, Tatiana Whitlock. Catering to all skill levels from the extreme novice to the seasoned enthusiast, A4 offers programs for the beginner/foundational, intermediate, and advanced skill levels. Ann Arbor Arms owner Holli Pinon says, “Tatiana is an outstanding match for our organization. She brings professionalism and energy to our team and understands our clients and the training experience they are looking for.”
More than just firearms, Ann Arbor Arms and the newly formed Ann Arbor Arms Academy offer a wealth of information, products and classes on less than lethal options. Whether preparing for a defense situation where a gun cannot be an option or for the individual looking for alternative self-defense options, A4 has a comprehensive program to address personal protection needs. “A4 programs are for everyone interested in taking responsibility for their safety and that of their families. Being prepared with the knowledge, tools and skills to save a life makes our community safer as a whole” says Whitlock.
Ann Arbor Arms Academy is positioned to be the destination resource in Michigan for safety, survival and self-defense training courses. In addition to hands-on classes, A4 offers informational lectures and seminars that bring in top professionals from their respective survival and defense fields. These lecture and seminar topics range from legal issues and child safety, to what responses are appropriate during an active shooter situation. A4 is meeting the needs of our community by providing quality instruction in a safe, fresh and professional environment!